
We live in exciting times! This is probably a universal statement many people would claim at any given time throughout the ages, but it certainly feels true and real to me. Lots of things are happening in the world, for better and for worse. Either way, change is happening all around us, and change presents opportunities. I started to see some of these opportunities in two different world - the world of artificial intelligence, and the world of writing

A few years ago, many would've said these things don't mix. But with recents advancements in machine learning - the emergence of ChatGPT, Bard and other generative AI systems has shaken public society probably more than any other discovery in the field -, it's not a stretch to say these two worlds are on a collision course. Whether that's a death sentence for creative writing (the Writers Guild of America seems to think so) or a great opportunity will need to stand the test of time, but it's certainly an interesting topic. 

This intersection is what this blog is all about. In the next post, you'll hear all about me and how I got involved in these topics. Once that's out of the way, I'll switch between one particular side of the coin (e.g. my journey to writing my first novel) or the other (explaining how generative AI works), and - most interestingly - the intersection of both and the opportunities it presents.

Do you have comments, recommendations, requests, complaints? Fire away!


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