Intro to LLMs and Generative AI
In my first post , I mentioned the emergence of generative AI - ChatGPT , Bard and friends. But what are these mysterious black boxes that can produce creative texts and are seemingly indistinguishable from human intelligence? Let's break it down. This is the first in a series of three posts explaining how these models work: The basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (this post) Deep Learning and Neural Networks Large Language Models What's Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? Both terms are hot buzzwords these days, and there are many definitions for both. One of the founding fathers of computer science, the great Alan Turing , simply defines Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines Well, that didn't help! But that's really what it is: Making machines act intelligently. In other words, make them act like humans. AI is umbrella term for different fields and techniques pursuin...